People: correspondents

Died Antony's
Abraham Cornelis van Bleyswyk January 28, 1761 correspondent, visitor, and distant relative
Adriaan Johannes Swalmius February 14, 1747 wife Cornelia's great nephew and correspondent
Adriaen van Assendelft August 8, 1742 neighbor and colleague at the Stadhuis
Angelus van Wikhuysen friend and correspondent from Zeeland
Anthonie Heinsius August 3, 1720 friend from the Stadhuis in the 1660's who went on to become Grand Pensionary of the Republic
Antonio Magliabechi July 4, 1714 correspondent
Antony Cinck February 10, 1742 correspondent and sponsor of 1716 honorary medal
Christiaan Huygens July 8, 1695 friend and colleague
Christopher Wren February 25, 1723 correspondent at the Royal Society
Constantijn Huygens March 28, 1687 friend and colleague
Cornelis Spiering May 4, 1745
Daniël Papenbroek June 28, 1714
Ewout van Bleiswijk May 9, 1723 Stadhuis colleague and correspondent
Francesco Corner January 1, 1734 visitor and correspondent
Francis Aston January 1, 1715 correspondent at the Royal Society
Frederik Adriaan van Reede van Renswoude December 12, 1738 friend, host, husband of Maria Duyst
Gerard van Loon August 29, 1758 correspondent, neighbor, and intermediary for medal from faculty at Leuven
Gottfried Leibniz November 14, 1716 visitor and supportive correspondant
Govert Bidloo March 30, 1713 fellow anatomist and correspondent
Hans Sloane January 11, 1753 visitor and editor
Harmen van Zoelen September 30, 1702 correspondent, a regent and city official from Rotterdam
Hendrik van Bleyswijk August 20, 1703 correspondent and Stadhuis colleague
Henry Oldenburg September 5, 1677 first editor, translator, and publisher; founding member of the Royal Society
Herman Boerhaave September 23, 1738 visitor and correspondent
Hubert Kornelis Poot December 31, 1733 panegyrist and fellow townsman
James II, King of England September 16, 1701 visitor when he was still Duke of York
James Jurin March 29, 1750 correspondent and editor at the Royal Society
Jan Gerard Kerkherdere March 16, 1738 correspondent and praise poem author
Jan Meerman April 3, 1724
Jan van Leeuwen niece's husband or his nephew
Johann Wilhelm von Pfalz-Neuburg, Elector Palatine June 18, 1716 visitor and correspondent
John Chamberlayne November 2, 1723 translator into English for publication in Philosophical Transactions
John Somers April 26, 1716 correspondent at the Royal Society
Karl von Hessen-Kassel March 22, 1730 visitor and correspondent
Lambert van Velthuysen November 5, 1685 correspondent who lived in Utrecht
Maarten Etienne van Velden November 13, 1724
Mary, Queen of Great Britain December 28, 1694 admirer and almost visitor
Melchisedec Thevenot October 29, 1692
Members of the Royal Society
Nehemiah Grew March 25, 1712 professional colleague at the Royal Society; they wrote about each other's work
Nicolaas Witsen August 10, 1717 correspondent
Nicolaes Boogaert van Belois January 1, 1746
Petrus Valckenier visitor and correspondent
Pieter Rabus January 13, 1702 admirer and publisher
Richard Waller January 1, 1715 correspondent and editor at the Royal Society
Robert Boyle December 31, 1691 correspondent
Robert Hooke March 3, 1703 most important supporter
Thomas Gale April 7, 1702 correspondent at the Royal Society
William Brouncker April 5, 1684