1720 |
Heussen, H. van |
Oudheden en gestichten van Delft en Delfland |
1720 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
Epistola Domini Antonij van Leeuwenhoek, R. S. S. de Osculis, Sive Spiraculis Foliorum Buxi, Item de Lanugine Malorum Persicorum & Cydoniorum |
1722 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
De Globulorum Sanguineorum Magnitudine, &c. ex Epistola D. Antonii a Leuwenhoek ad Jacobum Jurin, M. D. R. S. Secr. |
1722 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
A Letter from Mr. Leeuwenhoeck, F. R. S. concerning the Muscular Fibres in Several Animals, and the Magnetick Quality Acquired by Iron, upon Standing for a Long Time in the Same Posture |
1722 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
De Structura Diaphragmatis. Epistola Domini Antonii van Leeuwenhoek, R. S. S. ad Societatem Regiam |
1722 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
A Letter to the Royal Society concerning the Particles of Fat. By Mr. Leeuwenhoek, F. R. S. Translated from the Dutch by John Chamberlayne, Esq |
1722 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
De Globulis in Sanguine & in Vini Faecibus. Epistola Posthuma Domini Antonij a Leeuwenhoek, Societatis Regiae Londinensis, Dum Viveret, Sodalis Dignissimi, ad Jacobum Jurin, R. S. Secr. |
1722 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
Observations upon a Foetus, and the Parts of Generation of a Sheep. In a Letter to the Royal Society, from Mr. Leeuwenhoek, F. R. S. Translated from the Dutch by Dr. Sprengell, F. R. S. |
1722 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
Ejusdem Viri Clarissimi ad Eundem Epistola Posthuma. De Generatione Animalium, & de Palpitatione Diaphragmatis |
1722 |
Poot, H. |
Gedichten |
1722 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
Observations upon the Callus of the Hands and Feet, by the Same Curious Gentleman. Translated by John Chamberlayne, Esq |
1722 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
De Particulis & Structura Adamantum. Epistola Domini Antonii Leeuwenhoek, R. S. Soc. ad Jacobum Jurin, M. D. R S. Secret |
1723 |
Folkes, M. |
Some account of Mr. Leeuwenhoek's curious Microscopes, lately presented to the Royal Society |
1723 |
Hoogvliet, J. |
II. Epistola viri doctissimi Johannis Hoogvlietii ad Jacobum Jurin, M. D. R. S. Secr. De epistolis duabus posthumis viri celeberrimi Antonij a Leeuwenhoek, R.S.S. |
1724 - 1772 |
Lely, W. van der |
Minuutakten, 1724-1772 Willem van der Lely |
1725 |
Heussen, H. van |
Oudheden en Gestichten van het Rechte Zuid-Holland en van Schieland |
1726 |
Hooke, R. |
Philosophical Experiments and Observations |
1729 |
Boitet, R. |
Beschryving der Stadt Delft |
1730 |
Hartsoeker, N. |
Extrait Critique |
1731 |
Loon, G. van |
Beschrijving der Nederlandsche Historiepenningen |
1735 |
Sewel, W. |
A Large Dictionary English and Dutch / Woordenboek der Engelsche En Nederduytsche Taalen |
1735 |
Barker, R. |
A Catoptric Microscope |
1736 - 1776 |
Geesteranus. J. |
Minuutakten, 1736-1776 Joris Geesteranus |
1737 |
Swammerdam, J. |
Bybel der Natuure, of Historie der Insecten |
1739 |
Miles, H. |
Some Remarks concerning the Circulation of the Blood, as Seen in the Tail of a Water-Est, through a Solar Microscope |
1739 |
Baker, H. |
An Account of Mr. Leeuwenhoek's Microscopes |
1739 |
Jenkins, S. |
The Figure of a Machine for Grinding Lenses Spherically |
1743 |
Baker, H. |
Microscope Made Easy |
1744 |
Birch, T. (ed.) |
The Works of the Honourable Robert Boyle |
1745 |
Valk, E. |
Genees-kundig Verhaal |
1747 |
Rees, A. |
Catalogus van het Vermaarde Cabinet van Vergrootglasen ... den Heer Anthony van Leeuwehhoek |
1747 - 1768 |
Bertrand, J. |
Minuutakten, 1747-1768 Johan Willem Bertrand |
1749 |
Buffon, G. L. L. |
Histoire naturelle |
1753 |
Baker, H. |
Employment for the Microscope |
1753 |
Uffenbach, Z. C. von |
Merkwurdige Reisen durch Niedersachsen Holland und Engelland. |
1754 - 1787 |
Berryat, J. (ed.) |
Collection académique |
1756 |
Birch, T. |
The History of the Royal Society of London |
1765 |
Edens, A. |
Verzameling van een party konst-gereedschappen, ... |
1766 - 1811 |
Koetsveld, J. van |
Minuutakten, 1766-1811 Jacobus Van Koetsveld |
1772 - 1789 |
Maisonnet, T. G. |
Minuutakten, 1772-1789 Thomas Guilielmus Maisonnet |
1775 |
Someren, H. van |
Genees- en heelkundige proeven en aanmerkingen |
1779 - 1780 |
Leske, N. G. |
Abhandlungen zur Naturgeschichte, Physik und Oekonomie |
1787 |
Maty, P. H. |
A General Index to the Philosophical Transactions, from the first to the end of the seventieth volume |
1797 |
Wagenaar, J. |
Vaderlandsche historie |
1798 |
Hoole, S. |
The Select Works of Antony van Leeuwenhoek |
1810 |
Wikles, J. ed. |
Animalcules |
1812 |
Gelder, J. de |
Allereerste gronden der cijferkunst |
1812 |
Thomson, T. |
The Royal Society, From Its Institution tо the End of the Eighteenth Century |
1812 |
Thomson, T. |
History of the Royal Society from its Institution to the End of the Eighteenth Century |
1823 |
Haastert, I. |
Anth. van Leeuwenhoek, vereerend herdacht |