Made mortgage payment (seventh of eight) on the Gulden Hoofd
Leeuwenhoek went to the Weeskamer, where he paid 828 guilders to reduce the capital, which meant that he had paid 4,728 guilders total and had 272 guilders still to pay.
A page tipped into the Registers van inschrijving between pages 180 and 181 (right; click to enlarge) made an accounting of how the orphan masters had distributed the payments to date to Frans van Helden's heirs.
WKD inv. 464 fol. 180v Registers van inschrijving van wezen en halfwezen 1646-1660 (my translation)
On the 3th of March 1662, Anthonij van Leeuwenhoeck brought here to the chamber eight hundred twenty-eight guilders to reduce the mortgage on the house standing on the west side of the Hypolitusbuurt inside the city.