Delft in Holland menu

Delft in Holland - - The Prince's City

  • Views and maps - about 30 maps and views from the earliest extant up to the end of Leeuwenhoek's life.

Clicking on an image starts a slide show. Clicking on a title will display a page with a large version of that map and more information about it.

  • City government - collection of pages related to Delft's municipal government, especially Leeuwenhoek's place in it.

This section of the web (menu on right sidebar) will explain how Delft's government worked, from the city fathers to the bureaucracy. The contribution that Leeuwenhoek's ancestors made, especially the van den Berches and Hogenhoucks, through their service in various city offices.

  • City history - timeline of all events tagged "City history".

This list could obviously get very long, so I have tried to restrict it to the more important events. Most of them had little direct effect on Leeuwenhoek, but they give the context for his accomplishments.

The sub-menu items focus on types of buildings:

  • Canals and bridges
  • Churches - Oude and Nieuwe churches only
  • Gates
  • Towers - a page for each wall
  • Public records - Delft's city archives, where all this information came from
  • Contemporaries - a list of pages about a dozen or so of the people in Delft and beyond whose lives touched Leeuwenhoek's private life and civic career (as opposed to his scientific career).
  • Baptisms, Marriages, Wills, and Burials - These submenu items organize the master timeline by type of public record, again bringing together the records divided into six smaller groups in the Family section.
  • Family property - a list of all of the family property records that are divided into six smaller groups in the Family section, about 70 in total.

For example, clicking on the 1832 Kadaster Kaart detail of the first one will display an enlarged version of it. Clicking on the address, Bagijnhof 31, will display all the information I could find about Leeuwenhoek's relatives' relationship to that property.

  • Life in Holland - an introduction to each of the painters and why I chose their work for the sidebars of this web.

For example: Pieter de Hooch

As usual, clicking on the image starts a slide show. Clicking on the title will display a page with a large version of that image and (sometimes) more information about the painting. However, this is not an art history web, so I'm not going to develop this information much. I do want to add more artists and paintings.

For Luykens' images, I picked those with some relationship to Leeuwenhoek's life.