Royal Society read Leeuwenhoek's Letter L-587 and Letter L-588 of August 1723, the final time they would read a letter by Leeuwenhoek, and Letter L-592 from Petrus Gribius
The date is New Style, which was eleven days ahead of the Old Style date of 21 November 1723 used in London.
Royal Society, Journal Book Original, vol. 13, p. 324
A Latin Letter from the late Mr. Lewenhoek in answer to one from Dr. Jurin was read, wherein he propounds some difficulties which occurs to him concerning a question proposed whether we might not be able to form some conjecture about the manner in which the globles of blood are made, by a strickt observation of the different sizes of globles in the Blood of different Animals. And offers his opinion that we cannot.
Another Latin Letter from the same to Dr. Jurin wrote in vindication of his notion about the generation of animals from animalcula was also read.
A third Latin Letter from Mr. Gribius to Dr. Jurin dated 3d of October was communicated and read wherein he gives advice that Mr. Leeuwenhoecks daughter had sent the Society her father’s Legacy of the Box of Microscopes and desired to be certified by a Letter of the Safe arrival of the same
The date should be 4 October, not 3 October.