Paid his entry fee to the Sint Nicolaas Gilde

January 1, 1655

Paid his entry fee of 1 guilder 10 stuivers to the Sint Nicolaas Gilde. Yearly thereafter until 1698, he paid his dues of 3 stuivers, with two exceptions. In 1656, he is noted as "will not pay" (wil niet batalen). In 1693, his name is noted without a payment or explanation. In 1698, on leaving the guild, he paid 1 guilder 10 stuivers as "doodschuld".


OAD Delft archive number 243 Archief van het st. nicolaas-, marskramers- of koopliedengilde

Rekeningen 8 - 10 cover the years of Leeuwenhoek's participation.
