Johannes Hoogvliet wrote Letter L-590 to James Jurin accompanying his Latin translation of Leeuwenhoek's last two letters
On his death bed, Leeuwenhoek asked Dr Jan Hoogvliet to translate a couple of letters into Latin and send them to the Royal Society. A week later, Hoogvliet sent them with the following covering note from himself to the James Jurin, secretary of the Royal Society.
The Latin title in Philosophical Transactions translates to “Letter of the most learned man Johannes Hoogvliet to Jacob Jurin, M. D. R. S. Secr. On the two posthumous epistles of the most famous man Antony van Leeuwenhoek”. The letter was printed directly before the two letters from Leeuwenhoek enclosed with it, Letter L-587 and Letter L-588, both dated August 1723.
MS. Roy. Soc, No. 1413 ; H. 3. 112. Joannes Hoogvlietius to J. Jurin, Sec. R.S., 4 September 1723. Printed in Phil. Trans. (1724), vol. 32, p. 435.
I pray that the Supreme Judge of all things may long bless Your Excellency, and the Eoyal Society : Farewell.