Requested on his deathbed that his friend Johannes Hoogvliet translate his final two letters into Latin
Dr. Jan Hoogvliet wrote to the Royal Society that on his deathbed, Leeuwenhoek requested that Hoogvliet translate his final two letters into Latin and send them to James Jurin. These were the letters dated August 1723.
Boitet, in his Beschijving (p. 768), relates that on his deathbed, Leeuwenhoek was dictating a final letter in response to some specimens brought to him by a director of the VOC (East India Company). However, this letter, if it existed, was not sent by Hoogvliet to the Royal Society along with the two letters that L. on his deathbed, asked Hoogvliet to translate and send to London.
Phil. Trans. 1722 32 (370-380) 436-437