Hendrik - October 22, 1692 - December 28, 1769
A search at Collectie-Delft and Stadsarchief Delft shows that:
Hendrik d'Acquet married Alida Willemina van der Graeff (1692-1750; daughter of Willem van der Graaff and Alijda Verburgh) on December 6, 1719.
d'Acquet was secretary of the Weeskamer (orphans' chamber) from 1715 to 1732, when he became a member of the Vroedschap. His first appointment was as master of the Weeskamer in 1733. He served as a magistrate in 1737 and 1749. Like his father, he was a representative to the ___ in 1752, the delegated council in 1755, and the council fo the admirality in Zeeland in 1761.
He became a member of the De Confrérie van de Handbusch in 1717. The same year that he served as master of the Weeskamer, he was dean of the wine sellers guild and superintendent of the silk, camlet and fabric hall.
As was his mother, d'Acquet was a benefactor (weldoener) of the Kamer van Charitaten in 1770, bequeathing 5,000 guilders. Two decades earlier, his wife Alida bequeathed 2,000 guilders to the Kamer.
In 1727, Nicolaas Twent and Françoise Helena van der Graaff, a married couple, and Hendrik d’Acquet and Alida Wilhelmina van der Graaff, children and heirs of Willem van der Graaff, declared that they had received from the mayors a chest with gold inside, that had been saved for them since 1690.