Unfinished fabric

Article 84     unfinished fabric (onopgemaakte ?waaten)

The inventory uses two words, stuk and lap, for a piece of fabric. Perhaps the stuk is smaller than the lap? In an age when clothes lasted for decades and were often repaired, these words may well indicate what is left of a piece of fabric from which a garment has been manufactured. It was saved for later repairs or used to make smaller objects.

We don't know how large these pieces were. Fabric wasn't made in bolts until the mid-1800's, so these were pieces that had been made the ____ way, not a standard width and length.

1 hemd (van een vrouw)   
2 onderjurk
3 hemdjurk


A piece of chintz with a green background (grond)

A ditto with a yellow background

A ditto with a white background, A ditto

1/2 piece chintz with a red background

4 pieces English chintz

A piece of chintz with a green background

A ditto with a green background

A ditto with a white background

2 pieces chint with a purple background

3 ditto with a red background

2 ditto with a green background

1 ditto with a yellow backbround


A small piece of cotton

2 small pieces of muslin

A piece of geblomd muslin

A piece effe muslin


2 pieces common gingans

A piece of blue striped ditto

A piece of gingans striped red and blue


A piece of Suratse with a white background

A piece of wall hanging (kamerbehangsel) red background

A few pieces ditto


A piece of purple and white cotton

A few pieces of white diemet

A piece of white east indian damask

A piece of white pans

A piece of asgrauw cotton

2 pieces bast

A few zijden chintz and other pieces

2 little books white geblomd satijn

2 pieces white pans

A few pieces of chintz and silk

A small piece of linen


They used two words, stuk and lap, for a piece of fabric. Perhaps the stuk is smaller than the lap?