Named as neighbor in the inventory of Pieter van der Wilt's property

June 8, 1717

Notaris Cornelis van der Sleyden. This document is an inventory of the property, yellow on the map of 1832 (below), of Pieter van der Wilt, buried the week before on June 1, 1717. Two executors/guardians of the estate are included, Heindrik Eijnthoven and Nicolaas van der Eem. In addition, the document mentions six heirs, van der Wilt's three children and Maria Selhoff, Heindrik's wife, and her brother and sister.

It also mentions three neighbors: Hendrik Crooneveld on the east (#153), Dirk van Rijk on the west (#151), [ which means Serval sold to Rijk after 1708? ] and Anthonij Leeuwenhoek on the north (#155). All three of these properties (#152, #153, #155) are now one building, currently a Charles Vogele Switzerland clothing store. The map below is from 1832, so it may not accurately reflect boundaries a century previous. Nieuwstraat is #205 and the Cameretten is #209. The blue is the Hippolytusbuurt gracht, canal.
In addition, van der Wilt had seven other properties in Delft with a total of 15 residences; the document often specifies the taxas and rent. One, for example, is 4 guilders and 2 stuivers per year.
Crooneveld (spelled Krooneveld by the same notary six months later, see below), who lived on the corner of Hippolytusburrt and Nieuwstraat (#153), owned a much larger building, where he had a publishing/printing business. On some of the title pages he printed, he billed himself as "Boekdrukker en Boekverkoper op de hoek van de Nieuwe-straat". Book Publisher and Bookseller on the corner of the Nieuwestraat.
He printed van Leeuwenhoek's _______.
Dirk van Rijk was sexton of the Oude Kerk.

ONA inv. 2529F, fol. 252
