DTB - Baptism, Marriage, Burial Archive
Delft Archive number: 14 (download .pdf)
Inventaris van de collectie Doop-, Trouw- en Begraafboeken van Delft
Inventory of the collection of Baptism, Marriage, and Burial books of Delft
The DTB, the city's collection of records of baptisms, weddings, and burials, is an inventory of the books from:
- the six Protestant churches
- the four Catholic parishes
- the city's civil register for betrothals and baptisms
The baptisms and burials were all done through the churches. For betrothals and marriages, some people registered one or both with a church only, some with the city only, and others with both church and city.
For the Oude and Nieuwe Kerk, their betrothal and wedding records go back to 1587, their burial records to 1593, and their baptism records to 1616. Some of them are now labeled "sporadic", so there are plenty of missing records. The data about Leeuwenhoek's relatives on this web site shows the gaps, especially with baptism records.
The Catholic parish records are non-existant until the late 1600's, when they are sparse until the early 1700's.
In the Stadhuis, the civil records for marriages go back to 1575 and those for betrothals to 1584. These are the two sources below without a church in the title, Trouwboeken and Ondertrouwboeken.
The books most relevant to Leeuwenhoek's family and friends are those for the Oude en Nieuwe Kerk and for the civil register in City Hall in section 1.8 Gerecht (judicial authorities).
These records are registers initiated by the individuals. They rarely note births and deaths.