OAD - Old Archive

Archief Delft
Delft archive no. 1
Gemeente Delft

The Old Archive of Delft (het oud-archief der stad Delft)

Delft Archive number: 1 (download pdf)

The first section (eerste afdeling) of the OAD covers the years from 1246, when Delft got its city rights, to 1795, the official end of the Dutch Republic when France invaded and established the Batavian Republic.

For purposes of understanding how Leeuwenhoek fit into the life of his city, the important sections of the OAD:

  • Archive of the Vroedschap, Burgemeesters, and Veertigraad (City Fathers, Mayors, and City Council)

This archive has information about Leeuwenhoek's municipal appointments (city court, city inspector), the salary payments for his city court job, the various taxes he and his family paid, their investments, and the honoraria that the city paid Leeuwenhoek in the 1690's for his books. The section on finances has the archive of the City's treasurer that give a big-picture view of Delft's municipal government. Of the archives listed on the table below, all but the last one are from this archive.

  • Archive of the guilds
The guilds in this archive include the brewers, apothecaries, surgeons, and painters. Leeuwenhoek belonged to the St. Nicolaas guild, which has a separate archive inventory, number 243.
  • Archive of the Heren van de Wet (Lords of the Law)

When the mayors, magistrates, and the paid professional staff -- pensionary and secretaries -- met as a group, they were the Heren van de Wet, Lords of the Law.

Very little of this material has been digitized. All of the archives from this inventory used for this web are listed in archive-number order in the table below. The links go the Lens on Leeuwenhoek Bibliography entry for that volume. The Charters and agreements -- OAD inv. nos. 66-325 -- are accessible, with images of the actual documents, at Digital Arena. Those marked with double asterisks are accessible at Collectie-Delft.nl, but no images are available.

Are you looking for ...? Dutch title, some shortened English translation Year(s) OAD inv no
Delft's statutes and by-laws Keurboeken Statutes book 1537-1795 1-12
Leeuwenhoek's appointments to city jobs Resolutieboeken van de burgemeesters Decree book of the mayors 1500-1806 16, 17
Delft's history Archive of the Charters Charters and agreements 1246-1786 66-325
Oaths of office for Leeuwenhoek's city jobs Registers van eedsformulieren, Registers van de eden, Concepten van eden betreffende allerhande officiën van de stad Books of Oaths no date 328-330
Leeuwenhoek's place in city government Nota betreffende de inrichting van het stadsbestuur Notes concerning the organization of the city's management nd 331
Members of city council over the active-service age of 70 Mijcedullen Schedule 1639-1772 341
Who served in the City's bureaucracy, by office Kleine ambten en officien ** Minor Offices 1650-1795 347
What happened during the rampjaar 1672 when William dismissed half of Delft's Veertigraad and replaced them with his supporters Brieven van prins Willem III, Arend van der Dussen ontslag, Resoluties over de wetverzetting Letters of Prince Willem III, Arend van der Dussen dismissal, Resolutions concerning the change in government 1672 348-351
When relatives and friends became citizens of Delft Register van poorterinschrijvingen ** Registers of citizen enrollments 1536-1649
Laws and regulations, especially concerning the City's finances Register van de dagelijkse in burgemeesterskamer gegeven ordonnanties Register of daily ordinances from the mayor's chamber 1587-1811 408
Leeuwenhoek's relatives who received compensation for the restoration of their houses destroyed by the explosion in October

Lijst van personen van wie huizen bij de ontploffing van het kruitmagazijn zijn verwoest; Register van compensatie voor het herstel van hun huizen; Akten van taxatie van de schade

Documents concerning the houses destroyed by the explosion

1654 506-508
Leeuwenhoek's sister's tax farming Ordonnanties op de accijns der boelhuizen Ordinances on the excise taxes on estates n.d. 587
Names of owners and renters, some occupations, amount of tax compared to others (size of property), general location (side of street) Haardstedengeld Hearth tax 1600, 1638 589
Who served as tax farmer and amount that the City received (ontvang), by tax Pachters van accijnzen Excise tax farmers 1631-1792 592
Names of people who were assessed for deepening of the city's canals Kadegeld ** Warf tax 1667-1668 594
Names of people who were assessed for owning property on the two oldest grachts, Oude and Nieuwe Delft Straatgeld ** Street tax 1667? 605
Leeuwenhoek's rental of St. Agnieten tower Consentboek Permission Book  1664-1794 650
Investments of Leeuwenhoek and his daughter Register obligaties en lijfrenten Register of bonds and life annuities 1696 666
Ongoing record of the City's revenue (ontvang), annually, by category of revenue Maanboek voor de thesaurier Monthly book of the treasurer 1482-1810 676
Clean copy of the revenue and expenses, by category Rekeningen van de thesaurier Accounts of the treasurer 1554-1810 678
Ongoing record of the City's expenses (uitgeeff), annually, by category of expense Register van uitgaven door de thesaurier Register of expenses by the treasurer 1579-1811 679
Names of property owners and their wealth Familiegeld Tax on family wealth 1716 680
Names of owners of properties and mortgages Register van met renten belaste huizen van Delft ** Register of encumbered houses in Delft 1585-1648 731
Names of transporters and merchants of cargo on ships Registers van binnenlandse paspoorten ** Lists of inland passports 1623-1737 1052
Names and responsibilities of Delft citizens in the civic guard Schuttersboeken Records of the civic guard 1674-1704 1262
Names, some occupations, amount of tax compared to others (size of property), general location (side of street) Verponding ** Property tax on buildings 1620 1755
see 1620 Verponding above Verponding Delft Tax on property in Delft 1632-1650 1759
see 1620 Verponding above Verponding buiten Delft ** Tax on property outside of Delft 1632 1761 I
Names of property owners and their wealth Kohier Familiegeld ** Tax on family wealth 1680 1763
3 1/2 page explanation of the history of the position and the situation in 1699, at the end of Leeuwenhoek's career Tractement Kamerbewaarders Compensation of Kamerbewaarders 1699 1788
The incident involving Leeuwenhoek's cousin Lambrecht's son Adriaen Leeuwenhoek Register van minuut-resoluties der Heren van de Wet Register of decrees of the Heren van de Wet 1609-1719 2002