Delft Collection (Collectie Delft)

Archief Delft
Gemeente Delft

Collectie Delft

Archive search

The most recent addition to the set of online resources being developed by the dedicated archivists at Gemeentarchief Delft. As shown on the screenshot below, it has a bibliogrphy of Willem van Orange and the short biographies from the Heraldisch Bureau Nagtegaal. The section most relevant to Leeuwenhoek is the Nadere toegangen, Further access. Bladeren door Bronnen = Browse Sources.

The Alfabetisch overzicht archieven (Alphabetical overview of the archives) lists the dozens of archive inventories in the database. Those relevant to Leeuwenhoek's life are listed below under Related sources in order of inventory number of the volumes. The search function queries the database for names as well as a variety of characteristics. Queries can be filtered by source and by date.

This resource replaced the Digitale Stamboom (digital family tree) in January 2016.

Some of the Dutch terms:

Jongeman and jongedochter (young man and daughter) means that neither of them was previously married. Otherwise, it would be weduwnaar or weduwe (widower and widow) and often the name of the dead spouse.

Wonend (living) is the street where they were living when they married. Trowen is marriage and ondertrouw is betrothal.

Ondertrouw. As you can see from the archive inventory, inventory numbers 123 through 145 are the city's Ondertrouwboeken (marriage license books) from 1584 to 1811. Number 127 covers the years 1650 through 1656. Registering with the city does not preclude registering with one of the churches, also. However, those are in separate books, so they are separate items in this database, and they are not cross-referenced. The Wikipedia clarifies ondertrouw:

This ancient custom is similar to the publication of banns of marriage, but it is a civil process not an ecclesiastical one. (Ondertrouw does not refer to the banns. The Dutch phrase for "banns" is kerkelijke huwelijksaankondiging.) Ondertrouw existed before the Reformation and was continued afterwards. Ondertrouw has survived into modern times and exists today as a pre-marriage legal requirement in both the Netherlands and Belgium. In both countries civil marriage is compulsory and couples intending to marry register the ondertrouw beforehand at the civil registry (Burgerlijke Stand). Ondertrouw is now analogous to the process of applying for a marriage licence. Sometimes it is referred to as notice of intention to marry (huwelijksaangifte).

Ondertrouw should not be confused with the reading of the banns, engagement or betrothal. The word ondertrouw itself has no English equivalent.

Ondertrouw dates and wedding dates tend to be no less than two weeks apart.