April 1676

Three days after sending the letter of April 21, 1676, Leeuwenhoek began to record a series of observations that would last until late September. The letter reporting it all to the Royal Society also included two prior observations, one of them ongoing.

Prior Experiments
infusion preparation start end duration obs #
Rain 1 rain standing for a few days in a tub September 15, 1675     1
Well   1675 1676 indeterminate 23

In the rain water, he saw Vorticella, an oval ciliate, a long ciliate, and Monas. In the well water, he saw no living creatures.

Experiments beginning in April
infusion preparation start end duration obs #
Pepper 1 3 oz whole pepper in snow water April 3 April 24 3 weeks 31
Pepper 2 ½ oz whole pepper in 2 ½ oz snow water in porcelain teacup April 26 June 1 5 weeks 32 - 50


Observations in April
date Infusion findings quantity notes obs #
April 24 Pepper 1 Bodo caudatus, cyclidium, vorticellabacteria, bacilli very many   31
April 26 Pepper 2 nothing     32 - 50