1, 2 en 3 Prothocol (ORA 281-283)
ORA 281-283 1, 2 en 3 Prothocol
Registers Van Onroerende Goederen
Topografisch register der huizen binnen Delft met opgave van de erop rustende lasten en de namen der opvolgende eigenaren, onder verwijzing naar de protocollen (n.l. nrs. 214 e.v.) en registers, met tafel van de straten, fol. 1-325, 326-658, 659-985. [1649] - begin 19de eeuw.
Registers of Immovable Goods
Topographic register of houses in Delft stating its tax burden and the names of successive owners, with reference to the Protocols (Nos. 214 et seq) and registers, with table of streets, fol. 1-325, 326-658, 659-985. [1649] - early 19th century.
The housing protocol of the city of Delft for the period 1648-1810 contains the names of the successive owners of each property and a reference to the transfer deeds at the Court in the so-called 'Blafferts van Waarbrieven' (catalog of sales letters) in the form of a letter / number combination of the old book plus page number. The date and price of the sale can be found in these 'letters'. The housing protocol also mentions the amount of the mortgage debt that remained on the house.
See also:
ORA 284 Index op de straten behorende bij het topografisch register der huizen (nrs. 281-283), midden 17de eeuw
Index of streets belonging to the topographic register of houses (nrs. 281-283), mid 1600's