Wrote Letter L-588 of 1723-08-00 to James Jurin about his spermist view of the generation of animals and palpitations of his diaphragm, his final letter
This letter was translated into Latin by Johannes Hoogvliet and sent to James Jurin, together with the previous Letter L-587, and the cover Letter L-590, dated September 4, 1723. Because the letters are in Latin, no contemporary translations into English were made. Neither letter by Leeuwenhoek is dated or signed, so Hoogvliet probably made the translations after Leeuwenhoek died. Jurin decided to publish them in the order in which they were read to the Royal Society.
See for Johannes Hoogvliet (1690-1746), Letter L-576 of 13 June 1722, note 11, in this volume.
The Latin title in Philosophical Transactions, “Ejusdem Viri Clarissimi ad Eundem Epistola Posthuma. De Generatione Animalium, & de Palpitatione Diaphragmatis”, translates to “Posthumus letter to the same most famous men. The Generation of Animals and the Palpitation of the Diaphragm”.