William Molyneux
an Irish writer on science, politics and natural philosophy
October 1683, Molyneux founded the Dublin Philosophical Society and reported regularly to Royal Society, as recorded in the Society's Journal Book.
In 1685, he was elected a member of the Royal Society.
In 1692, he published Dioptrica Nova, A treatise of dioptricks in two parts, wherein the various effects and appearances of spherick glasses, both convex and concave, single and combined, in telescopes and microscopes, together with their usefulness in many concerns of humane life, are explained, which mentioned his visit to Leeuwenhoek in summer 1685.
He also mentioned his time in Holland when he began writing to John Locke in 1692. They did not know each other until then even though they had been in Holland at the same time in 1685, when Locke met William's brother Thomas.
On 16 July 1692, Locke wrote:
I had the honour to know one of your name at Leyden, about seven or eight years since. If he be any relation of yours, and now in Dublin, I beg the favour of you to present my humble service to him.
On 27 August 1692, Molyneux replied:
The inclosed, from my brother, will tell you that he was your acquaintance in Leyden. I my self have been there, anno 1685, but had not the good fortune of being known to you. But from this time I shall reckon my self happy in your friendship.
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