Continuatio Arcanorum Naturae

Leeuwenhoek, A. van
Delphis Batavorum: Kroonevelt

Full title

Continuatio Arcanorum Naturae Detectorum, qua continetur quicquid hactenus ab Auctore lingua Vernacula editum, & in linguam Latinam transfusum nan fuit.

Continuation of Nature's Mysteries Disclosed, which is contained in all that has been published in the vernacular of the Author, and not translated into the Latin tongue.

Dobell's #26: Letters 93-107

A translation of the rest of Dobell 15 and all of Dobell 16.

1697 First edition

The letters are all numbered and continuously paginated. Each letter preceded by a summary.

Pagination: ii + 1-192 + viii

Front matter: only the title page

Back matter: 8-page Index Rerum praecipuarum hoc Libro contentarum (Index of the things of importance contained in this book).   

1722 Second edition

A reprint of the first edition from the same typesetting 25 years later.

Pagination: x + 1-192 + viii

In the front matter, this edition collects all the summaries the precede each letter into one 8-page Index argumentorum Quae in Epistolis pertractantur (Index of arguments That are treated in the Letters), more like an expanded table of contents.