Robert Hooke produced Letter L-114 of 1681-11-04 from Leeuwenhoek

November 12, 1681

Birch, History, vol. IV, p. 99, 2 November 1681 (O.S.) in London:

Mr. Hooke produced a letter, which he had newly received from Mr. Leewenhoeck, dated at Delft Novemb. 4, 1681, N. S. which being written in Low Dutch, and very long, was referred to the next meeting: and in the mean time Mr. Hooke was desired to procure an English tranſlation of that letter.

Dr. Croune moved, that Mr. Leewenhoeck's letters might be all printed: to which Mr. Hooke answered, that the greatest part of them were already printed in the Philosophical Transactions and Collections; and that there was another of them going to be printed; and that he designed to publish the rest in some succeeding Collections.
