Named again as neighbor in the disposition of Pieter van der Wilt's estate

December 23, 1717

Named again as neighbor in the disposition of Pieter van der Wilt's estate.

Notary Cornelis van der Sleyden. This document advances the process of disposing of the property of the neighbor, Pieter van der Wilt, whose property was dealt with the previous June. In that document, Maria Selhoff was noted along with other van der Wilts and Selhoffs. By December, she and Heindrik Eijnthoven have become the sole heirs in this new document. The two executors/guardians of the estate are the same, Heijndrick Eijndhoven and Nicolaas van der Eem. Heijndrick is also renting the house, presumably living there with his wife Maria Selhoff. The same three neighbors are again mentioned.
This document has 29 creditors to whom Pieter van der Wilt owed money; vocations noted include a doctor, butcher, pharmacist, baker, surgeon, smith, cloth bleacher, and a bricklayer as well as the sexton of the Old Church, Dirck van Rijck, also a neighbor.

ONA inv. 2529I, fol. 414
