Got power of attorney for William Davidson during first Anglo-Dutch war (1652-54)
The Dutch text (below left) is from van Seters's 1951 article, Antony van Leeuwenhoek in Amsterdam; he expanded the common notarial abbreviations in parentheses. My translation (below right) stays closer to the original punctuation.
Op huyden den 5e dach in May 1653, compareerde voor mij Albert Eggericx Notaris Publicq bij den Hove van Hollandt geadmitteert t' Amsterdamme residerende in presentie van ondergest(elde) getuygen, Sir Willem Davidtson Coopman binnen deser Stede mij Notario bekendt, ende verclaerde geconstitueert ende machtich gemaeckt te hebben als hij doet bij desen Antonij Leeuwenhoeck sijnen dienaer speciaelyck omme de billietten die bij hem constituant sullen sijn onderteecken(t) van penningen die hij constituant van sijne reeckeninge in banco sal laten affschrijven in banco alhier aende Boeckhouders over te leveren, ende sulcx aff te doen schrijven de penningen in deselve billietten, gestelt, ende generaelyck in tgunt voors(chreven) is metdies aencleeft ende eenichsints dependeert te doen handelen ende verrichten wes in der saecke requireert alwaert datter breder ende speciaeler macht vereyschte dan in desen verhaelt staet belovende voor goet vast ende van waerde te houden alle tgeene bij de voors(chreven) sijne geconstitueerde in tgunt voors(chreven) is gedaen ende verricht sal worden ondert verbant als naer rechten, alles oprecht ged(ae)n ter presentie van Cornelis Thomas ende Gerrit Brant als getuygen. |
On this day the 5th day in May 1653, before me, Albert Eggericx Notary Public admitted to the Court of Holland residing in Amsterdam in the presence of the undersigned witnesses, appeared Sir William Davidson, businessman in this city, known to me, Notary, and declared to have authorized as he does herewith Antony Leeuwenhoeck, his servant, especially to transfer the bills that shall be signed by him, the authorizer, concerning the money which he, the authorizer, shall have written off from his account in cash (banco), to the bookkeepers in cash, and to debit his account for the money mentioned in these bills, authorizes him to act in general as shall be required in this matter with respect to the aforementioned, with all that it concerns or in any way depends on it, even if a broader or more special authorization should be required than is mentioned here promising to approve, confirm and consider valid all that shall be done and performed according to the law by his aforesaid proxy respecting what has been set forth, all sincerely done in the presence of Cornelis Thomas and Gerrit Brant as witnesses. |
It is signed by A Eggericx Not p, William Davidson, and G Brant.
G.A. Amsterdam; Notarial Archives inv. 1821, fol. 218