Brabantse Turfmarkt 71
Brabantse Turfmarkt 71
west side large property 7 south of D0283 now Brabantse Turfmarkt 89, 9 north of Molstraat; with a little house in the gate. Is that the alley north of the house?
store below, residence above
The main residence of Huijch Thonis Leeuwenhoek (-1669), who paid the 1620-1632 verponding 279v4, 280r2, 280r4 and the 1632-1654 verponding 301r3, 301r4, 301v1. He gave it along with the little house in the gate to Geertruij (1628 - 1684) and Grietjen (1637 - 1702) (4s176,) who gave it to Maerten (1631 - 1694) (4t224,) who gave it to his daughter Maria (1656 - 1717) (scheiding of 1701 11/16 notary Adriaen Leeuwenhoeck) and her husband Jan den Appel (1657 - 1696)