Members of the Royal Society discussed Leeuwenhoek's microscopes
At the weekly Wednesday meeting of 23 November 1681 (O.S.), the members of the Royal Society discussed Leeuwenhoek's microscopes.
Birch's History, vol. IV, p. 104:
The president and vice-president being not yet come, and a great number of the Society being present, Mr. HENSHAW was desired to take the chair, in order to discourse of some discoveries made by Mr. LEEWENHOECK, particularly about the substance and figure of hair: and it was judged, that the glasses, wherewith he had made all those strange discoveries, were very extraordinary, and made in some other manner than what was commonly known and made use of.
Mr. Hooke was of opinion, that they were no other than those mentioned in the preface to his Micrograpbia, viz. very fmall transparent globules used whole, or by grinding reduced to a lens, or by another way, mentioned also by him in the same preface, much more easy to be made; a specimen of which, he said, he would shortly shew, as he had long since done to the Society. These he conceived were helped by the way of admitting light Upon them in an appropriated room by the extraordinary pains and care of Mr. LEEWENHOECK in examining the objects in various ways.
However Mr. HENSHAW moved, that Mr. LEEWENHOECK should be requested to communicate or publish his invention, if it were any new way; which the secretary promised to do in his next letter to Mr. LEEWENHOECK.