December 2, 1704 |
Hans Sloane wrote Letter L-429 of 1704-12-02 to Leeuwenhoek as a cover letter for Letter L-430 and enclosing a piece of ash from a haystack fire |
December 2, 1704 |
John Chamberlayne wrote Letter L-430 of 2 December 1704 about a dinner with an archbishop and bishop, who gave him an odd ash from a haystack fire that Sloane had enclosed with Letter L-429 |
December 6, 1704 |
John Chamberlayne wrote to Hans Sloane that even native Dutch speakers have trouble helping him translate Leeuwenhoek's letters |
December 13, 1704 |
Wrote Letter L-431 of 1704-12-13 to the members of the Royal Society about the origin of rock-crystal and a description and analysis of fossils of sea animals and two Roman dice all found in Switzerland and given to him by Pieter Valkenier |
January 1, 1705 |
Peter Stout appointed assistant wine gauger |
February 13, 1705 |
Hans Sloane wrote Letter L-432 of 13 February 1705 about recent letters and the Royal Society's good wishes |
March 3, 1705 |
Wrote Letter L-433 of 1705-03-03 to the members of the Royal Society about silver deposits on his own hands after he mixed gold and silver with acid and treatment of a callous on his own finger with vitriol and then acid |
March 3, 1705 |
Wrote Letter L-434 of 1705-03-03 to John Chamberlayne about vitrified matter from a haystack that had caught fire, sent to Leeuwenhoek with Letter L-429 |
March 10, 1705 |
Antonio Magliabechi wrote Letter L-435 to Leeuwenhoek in early 1705 about reactions in Florence and Rome to his experiments with silver and diamonds |
March 12, 1705 |
Wrote Letter L-436 of 1705-03-12 to Antonio Magliabechi about precipitating silver from aqua fortis, silver sulphate crystals, their comparison with rock crystal, saltpetre, and sugar candy |
March 27, 1705 |
Wrote Letter L-437 of 1705-03-27 to the members of the Royal Society about his theory that bark tissue is formed from wood; cross-sections and pictures of vessels and cells of bark and wood tissue of cherry, birch, cinnamon, and lime trees and from cork |
March 30, 1705 |
Visited by Pieter Valkenier |
April 24, 1705 |
Wrote Letter L-438 of 1705-04-24 to the members of the Royal Society about a fern and its seed capsules and an experiment to open and close them |
May 25, 1705 |
Wrote Letter L-439 of 1705-05-25 to the members of the Royal Society about crystals from various minerals that Pieter Valkenier left after his recent visit and experiments to dissolve and recrystallize them |
October 1, 1705 |
Visited by Francesco Cornaro |
November 10, 1705 |
Hans Sloane wrote Letter L-440 of 10 November 1705 about recent letters |
December 18, 1705 |
Wrote Letter L-441 of 1705-12-18 to Francesco Corner about the structure of a pearl compared to that of an oyster's shell, salts from pearls and oysters' shells heated and afterwards dissolved, and an argument against the grit of pearls as medicine |
December 29, 1705 |
Wrote Letter L-442 of 1705-12-29 to the members of the Royal Society about pumice stone, its origins, and its salts, sponge and a theory about how it absorbs water, and coral |
February 1, 1706 |
Francesco Corner wrote Letter L-443 to thank Leeuwenhoek for Letter L-441 about pearls |
March 7, 1706 |
Visited by Govert Bidloo |
March 7, 1706 |
Wrote Letter L-444 of 1706-03-07 to Govert Bidloo to follow up on his visit earlier that day about what Leeuwenhoek discovered in the intestines they had viewed |
March 12, 1706 |
Govert Bidloo wrote Letter L-445 of 12 March 1706 as a cover letter for a recently published dissertation on the formation of chyle in the intestines |
March 19, 1706 |
Wrote Letter L-446 of 1706-03-19 to the members of the Royal Society about an East Indian tree and mixing his own blood with the crushed seed of the tree and water, the effects of a drink made from hemp seed, and a dissected hemp seed |
April 20, 1706 |
Wrote Letter L-447 of 1706-04-20 to the members of the Royal Society about a piece of hanged woman's intestinal wall brought to him by Govert Bidloo |
June 1, 1706 |
Wrote Letter L-448 of 1706-06-01 to the members of the Royal Society about the structure of a sheep's spleen and a flea's organ for stinging and sucking |
January 1, 1707 |
Wrote Letter L-449 of 1707-01-01 to Angelus van Wikhuysen about the use of cinchona bark as a remedy |
March 31, 1707 |
John Chamberlayne wrote Letter L-450 to inquire about Leeuwenhoek's health |
May 4, 1707 |
Hans Sloane wrote Letter L-451 to Leeuwenhoek about not having received letters from him and to introduce visitor Gilbert Burnet |
May 17, 1707 |
Wrote Letter L-452 of 1707-05-17 to John Chamberlayne to complain that his four most recent letters to the Society had not been answered; about a bezoar stone and the visit of Corner; offered to send a copy of Letter L-436 to Magliabechi |
May 18, 1707 |
The Royal Society read Letter L-452 of 1707-05-17 about bezoar stone and unanswered letters |
June 3, 1707 |
Hans Sloane wrote Letter L-453 on behalf of the Royal Society about recent letters and numbers of Philosophical Transactions |
July 1, 1707 |
At age 74, his 75th publication in Philosophical Transactions |
July 5, 1707 |
Wrote Letter L-454 of 1707-07-05 to the members of the Royal Society to acknowledge the receipt of Letter L-453 and to cover the enclosed copy of Letter L-436 of 12 March 1705 to Magliabechi |
July 7, 1707 |
Visited by Gilbert and Thomas Burnet |
July 12, 1707 |
Wrote Letter L-455 of 1707-07-12 to the members of the Royal Society as thanks for numbers of Philosophical Transactions and as cover to a copy of Letter L-441 to Corner; mentioned the visit of Gilbert Burnet |
July 15, 1707 |
Angelus van Wikhuysen wrote Letter L-456 of 15 July 1707 in defense of using cinchona bark as medicine |
July 25, 1707 |
Wrote Letter L-457 of 1707-07-25 to the members of the Royal Society about cinchona bark and using it as a treatment for fever |
August 10, 1707 |
Wrote Letter L-458 of 1707-08-10 to Anthonie Heinsius as a cover letter for a copy of Letter L-457 of 25 July 1707 to the Royal Society |
October 18, 1707 |
Wrote Letter L-459 of 1707-10-18 to the members of the Royal Society about the fur on his own tongue after an attack of fever, the fur of a thrush patient, and a theory about the origin of tongue fur |
November 4, 1707 |
Hans Sloane wrote Letter L-460 of 4 November 1707 on behalf of the Royal Society about recent letters and as cover for an enclosure of a "hairy substance" |
November 22, 1707 |
Wrote Letter L-461 of 1707-11-22 to the members of the Royal Society about a hairy substance, received with Letter L-460, supposedly excreted by a woman suffering from a kidney infection |
December 6, 1707 |
Wrote Letter L-462 of 1707-12-06 to the members of the Royal Society about the tongue of an ox, its skin and papillae, and the tongue of a pig with its papillae and muscle fibres |
January 1, 1708 |
Published Arcana Naturae Microscopiorum (Nature's Mcroscopical Mysteries), 19 Letters from 28 - 52 (3rd) |
January 1, 1708 |
Wrote Letter L-463 of 1708-01-01 to the members of the Royal Society about the composition of red coral, the effects when heated and when dissolved in aqua fortis and boiling rain water, and crystals in dissolved coral |
January 29, 1708 |
printer-bookseller Hendrik van Cronevelt buried |
April 29, 1708 |
daughter Maria named to receive a bequest in the will of her Bisschop cousins |
May 8, 1708 |
Bought neighboring property on Nieuwstraat |
June 29, 1708 |
Wrote Letter L-464 of 1708-06-29 to the members of the Royal Society about his further observations of the white furry substance on his own tongue during attacks of fever |
July 10, 1708 |
Antonio Magliabechi wrote Letter L-465 to Leeuwenhoek with reports on several recent books that he thought might be of interest |
August 1, 1708 |
Hans Sloane wrote Letter L-466 of sometime before 28 August 1708 on behalf of the Royal Society that recent letters have been received with pleasure and read to the attentive members |
August 28, 1708 |
Wrote Letter L-467 of 1708-08-28 to the members of the Royal Society about how an eel's heart and the valves in the vien of its tail work; his own pulse and pulsation of the heart of an eel and a pike |
October 9, 1708 |
Wrote Letter L-468 of 1708-10-09 to the members of the Royal Society about the mucous membrane in the palate and in the nose of a cow and about its tongue |
October 15, 1708 |
John Chamberlayne wrote to Hans Sloane about difficulties translating Leeuwenhoek's "ungrammatical language" |
August 13, 1709 |
John Chamberlayne wrote Letter L-469 to Leeuwenhoek to ask again about razors and the effects of cold weather on their performance |
August 22, 1709 |
Dr. Archibald Adams wrote a letter to Hans Sloane about the making of microscopes after he had visited Leeuwenhoek |
September 10, 1709 |
Wrote Letter L-470 of 1709-09-10 to Hans Sloane, a cover letter for the following Letter L-471 to John Chamberlayne. |
September 10, 1709 |
Wrote Letter L-471 of 1709-09-10 to John Chamberlayne about the cutting edge of a razor and its nicks as well as its setting and maintenance |
November 22, 1709 |
Wrote Letter L-472 of 1709-11-22 to John Chamberlayne about human beard hairs and muscle fibres of a cod, both cut off with a razor |
December 1, 1709 |
Hans Sloane wrote Letter L-473 to introduce a visitor, Alexander Stuart, as a curious world traveler |
January 2, 1710 |
Visited by Alexander Stuart and two Scots gentlemen |
January 4, 1710 |
Alexander Stuart wrote to Hans Sloane about his visit to Leeuwenhoek's house |
January 14, 1710 |
Wrote Letter L-474 of 1710-01-14 to the members of the Royal Society about Alexander Stuart's visit, blood circulation in eels, crystallisation of sugar, minerals from Hungary, and his new fish viewer for visitors to see blood circulating in an eel's tail |
January 26, 1710 |
cousin Elisabeth Maertens Leeuwenhoek married Leonard van Amsterdam |
February 21, 1710 |
Wrote Letter L-475 of 1710-02-21 to the members of the Royal Society about the shape and crystallization of diamonds |
June 6, 1710 |
Wrote Letter L-476 of 1710-06-06 to the members of the Royal Society about silver dissolved in aqua fortis |
July 1, 1710 |
Visited again by Alexander Stuart |
November 11, 1710 |
Wrote Letter L-477 of 1710-11-11 to the members of the Royal Society about what happened when he dissolved gold dust from Guinea in aqua regia |
November 26, 1710 |
daughter Maria Thonis sold two little houses |
November 27, 1710 |
Visited by John Farrington |
December 4, 1710 |
Visited by Zacharias Conrad von Uffenbach: "more of ingenuity than foundation" |
August 2, 1711 |
James Petiver wrote Letter L-478 of 2 August 1711 to Leeuwenhoek to complain about what happened when he tried to visit |
August 15, 1711 |
Wrote Letter L-479 of 1711-08-15 to Anthonie Heinsius as a cover letter for Philosophical Transactions, vol. 26, no. 319, with Leeuwenhoek's article on the pulse and copies of notes on gold from Guinea and hailstones |
August 18, 1711 |
Wrote Letter L-480 of 1711-08-18 to James Petiver about the sperm of young rams and to explain what happened when Petiver tried to visited |
September 22, 1711 |
Wrote Letter L-481 of 1711-09-22 to the members of the Royal Society about mites, their reproduction, eggs, larvae, a calculation of the size of a mite egg, the hair of a honey-bee, and metamorphis of larvae from dried fish into a full-grown animal |
November 23, 1711 |
Wrote Letter L-482 of 1711-11-23 to Anthonie Heinsius about claims by Fryer and Kircher supporting spontaneous generation, which Leeuwenhoek rejected; gold, copper, and silver dissolved in aqua fortis and the separation of gold and copper |
December 23, 1711 |
Delft's mayors annulled Leeuwenhoek's position of district supervisor |
December 29, 1711 |
Wrote Letter L-483 of 1711-12-29 to Anthonie Heinsius, a cover letter for Letter L-484, naming the author of the article in Philosophical Transactions that he criticizes but does not name in the following letter, meant for publication |
December 29, 1711 |
Wrote Letter L-484 of 1711-12-29 to Anthonie Heinsius to refute an article in Philosophical Transactions; he calculates the quantity of blood propelled by each heartbeat and estimates how often the total blood volume circulates through the body |
February 11, 1712 |
Made will; he and daughter Maria universal heirs |
March 1, 1712 |
Wrote Letter L-485 of 1712-03-01 to the members of the Royal Society about the skin and flesh of a whale, its seminal vessels, and its blood with comparisons to the blood of other fish |
March 25, 1712 |
microscopist Nehemiah Grew died |
April 12, 1712 |
Wrote Letter L-486 of 1712-04-12 to the members of the Royal Society about the structure of the genetalia of a female elephant and the structure of an elephant's skin |
June 10, 1712 |
Wrote Letter L-487 of 1712-06-10 to the members of the Royal Society about little animals on a mussel's shell, the ciliar motion of the gills, and the intestines and ovaries of mussels |
August 5, 1712 |
Appointed guardian of ? Leeuwenvelt |
November 8, 1712 |
Wrote Letter L-488 of 1712-11-08 to Anthonie Heinsius, a cover letter for Letter L-489 |
November 8, 1712 |
Wrote Letter L-489 of 1712-11-08 to Anthonie Heinsius about the muscle fibres of a whale |
November 28, 1712 |
nephew Adriaan Johannes Swalmius married Agatha Amelia Cocquis |
December 17, 1712 |
Wrote Letter L-490 of 1712-12-17 to Anthonie Heinsius about salts in the blood of a shrimp and the muscle fibres and enveloping membranes of cod, shrimp, flounder, and perch |
January 1, 1713 |
Published Cinnaber Naturalis (Natural Cinnabar), Letters 48 - 52 (2nd) |
January 1, 1713 |
Wrote Letter L-491 of a few years before 1713 to Jan Meerman how barley is filling, but provides little nourishment, also about a membrane in the barley |
February 28, 1713 |
Wrote Letter L-492 of 1713-02-28 to Jan Meerman about wheat and barley grains, beans, peas, and chestnuts, vessels and membranes in coconut rind, and the embryo in an apple pip and in a coconut |
March 14, 1713 |
Wrote Letter L-493 of 1713-03-14 to Jan Meerman about the eye of a whale, the lens, and the cornea and calculations of the pressure on a whale's eye at great depth |
March 25, 1713 |
Wrote Letter L-494 of 1713-03-25 to Adriaen van Assendelft about little hairs of a mouse, mole, cat, and rabbit all have the same shape; thick, dark bear hair, composition and color of hair, hair of deer and elk |
March 29, 1713 |
Wrote Letter L-495 of 1713-03-29 to Anthonie Heinsius about the muscles of cows, muscle fibers of mice thinner than whales, fat particles, muscle fibers of sheep same size as of mice and oxen, though the animals differ greatly in size |
June 28, 1713 |
Wrote Letter L-496 of 1713-06-28 to the members of the Royal Society about little animals on duckweed, muscle fiber membranes, and a list of unanswered letters; little animals in his mouth come from rinsing glasses with pond water |
June 30, 1713 |
Wrote Letter L-497 of 1713-06-30 to Anthonie Heinsius about the composition of crabs’ eyes and lobster and crab shells, ring-shaped structures in lobster pincer shell, compared to annual rings of woody vegetation, and the lobster's muscle fiber membrane |
October 1, 1713 |
Antoni Cink wrote Letter L-498 of sometime in October 1713 to ask Leeuwenhoek to examine sage leaves |
October 12, 1713 |
Wrote Letter L-499 of 1713-10-12 to Hans Sloane as a cover letter for a copy of Letter L-489 on muscle fibres of a whale and a request for new numbers of Philosophical Transactions and a list of fellows of the Society to be sent to relatives in Rotterdam |
October 24, 1713 |
Hans Sloane wrote Letter L-500 to Leeuwenhoek about responses to his recent letters |
October 24, 1713 |
Wrote Letter L-501 of 1713-10-24 to Antony Cinck refuting, as requested, Kircher's ideas about poisonous little animals on sage leaves and spontaneous generation |
November 19, 1713 |
nephew Jan Adriaans Swalmius baptized |
December 7, 1713 |
nephew Adriaan Johannes Swalmius admitted as notary |
January 6, 1714 |
cousin Maarten Pieters Hogenhouck appointed church warden, Oude Kerk and Nieuwe Kerk |
January 26, 1714 |
daughter Maria received bequest from Bisschop estate |
March 3, 1714 |
Richard Waller wrote Letter L-502 of 3 March 1714 to discuss recent observations about muscles |
March 8, 1714 |
Richard Waller wrote Letter L-503 to Leeuwenhoek on behalf of the Royal Society about recent observations on muscle fibers and numbers of Philosophical Transactions |
March 22, 1714 |
Gottfried Leibniz wrote to Louis Bourguet: "a fable of extravagant proportions" |
May 9, 1714 |
Visited by Dr. Richard Bradley, professor of botany at Cambridge |
June 22, 1714 |
Wrote Letter L-504 of 1714-06-22 to the members of the Royal Society to acknowledge Letter L-503 and numbers of Philosophical Transactions and to query why figures of the muscle fibres of whales were not published |
July 5, 1714 |
Royal Society read Letter L-504 and asked Richard Waller to reply and send the numbers of Philosophical Transactions for 1713 |
July 19, 1714 |
Richard Waller wrote Letter L-505 to Leeuwenhoek about how the Royal Society received his observations |
July 27, 1714 |
Richard Waller wrote Letter L-506 about Letter L-504 and promised to publish whatever Leeuwenhoek sent |
August 17, 1714 |
Andries Jacobs appointed assistant city inspector / wine gauger |
August 21, 1714 |
Wrote Letter L-507 of 1714-08-21 to the members of the Royal Society about the muscle fibres of cow, chicken, mouse, honeybee, flea, ant, and whale and the blood vessels in the leg of a fly; thanks for recent numbers of Philosophical Transactions |
August 30, 1714 |
Richard Waller wrote Letter L-508 to Leeuwenhoek about the receipt of his latest letter and the Royal Society's annual recess |
October 23, 1714 |
niece Maria Jans de Molijn's widowed husband Cornelis Haaxman made will |
October 26, 1714 |
Wrote Letter L-509 of 1714-10-26 to the members of the Royal Society about muscle fibres and enclosing membranes in the legs of a mosquito, rose chafer, fly, crane fly, honeybee and cow; rectifying earlier opinion, the contractions in a muscle are spiral |
November 4, 1714 |
Wrote Letter L-510 of 1714-11-04 to Adriaen van Assendelft, comparison between muscle fibres and a tightened rope; the shorter the rope, the quicker it can shrink; application of this comparison on the size of muscle fibres of a cow and of a mouse |
November 9, 1714 |
Wrote Letter L-511 of 1714-11-09 to Isaac Newton, now lost, to cover Letter L-512 |
November 9, 1714 |
Wrote Letter L-512 of 1714-11-09 to the members of the Royal Society about the muscles of an ox, sheep, chicken, mouse, and hare |
November 17, 1714 |
newphew Adriaan Johannes Swalmius married Adriana de Bries |
November 20, 1714 |
Wrote Letter L-513 of 1714-11-20 to the members of the Royal Society about muscle fibres and tendons from a mouse leg, a duck wing, a honeybee, a polecat leg, and between the ribs of a mouse; a theory about the structure and action of tendons |
January 1, 1715 |
astronomer Edmond Halley, editor again of Philosophical Transactions from 1715-1719, published only one letter by Leeuwenhoek |
January 1, 1715 |
Published Continuatio Epistolarum (Continuation of the Letters), Letters 53-60 (3rd) |
January 11, 1715 |
Wrote Letter L-514 of 1715-01-11 to Anthonie Heinsius, a cover letter for a copy of a recent letter on muscle fibres |
February 27, 1715 |
Appointed executor of Leeuwenvelt estate |
February 28, 1715 |
Anthonie Heinsius wrote Letter L-515 of 1715-02-28 to thank Leeuwenhoek for the letters sent by him over the years and expects that posterity will be grateful for what he has discovered |
March 26, 1715 |
Wrote Letter L-516 of 1715-03-26 to Antony Cinck about the structure and action of muscle fibres and tendons from the leg of a mouse and the head of cod and a wire model of spiral contraction |
July 1, 1715 |
Visited by Joachim Georg Reinerding |
July 2, 1715 |
Antoni Cink wrote Letter L-517 of 2 July 1715 to Leeuwenhoek about his colleagues' reaction to Letter L-516 about muscle fibers |
July 7, 1715 |
Wrote Letter L-518 of 1715-07-07 to Antony Cinck about contracting and stretching of muscle fibres and tendons; their connection in lobster and crab; no observed nerves between muscle fibres and membranes; cannot confirm that nerves are hollow |
August 1, 1715 |
Wrote Letter L-519, now lost, of sometime before August 1715 to Gottfried Leibniz about his observations and recent letters |
August 5, 1715 |
Gottfried Leibniz wrote about Leeuwenhoek to Louis Bourguet, who was "not persuaded by his hypothesis" |
August 5, 1715 |
Gottfried Leibniz wrote Letter L-520 to Leeuwenhoek about sperm and encouraging young people and training students |
August 5, 1715 |
Named in document using Vermeer estate as security |
September 28, 1715 |
Wrote Letter L-521 of 1715-09-28 to Gottfried Leibniz about scholars who do not agree with Leeuwenhoek; sperm the same size in different animals; the pulse; posthumous letters; muscle fibers, tendons, and nerves; Hartsoeker; why he won't train students |
October 29, 1715 |
Gottfried Leibniz wrote Letter L-522 to Leeuwenhoek about his observations and teaching his methods to students |
November 18, 1715 |
Wrote Letter L-523 of 1715-11-18 to Gottfried Leibniz, a cover letter for Letter L-524 |
November 18, 1715 |
Wrote Letter L-524 of 1715-11-18 to Gottfried Leibniz about vessels in the flesh of fruit and in the seeds of various strains of pears, a pear's embryo and the structure of a pear's skin, and spiral vessels in tea-leaves |
January 1, 1716 |
Paid the familiegeld (estate tax) of 20 gulden |