Antonio Magliabechi wrote Letter L-332 to Leeuwenhoek in early 1698 with reports on several recent books that he thought might be of interest written by Italians and a German
No manuscript is known. It was written sometime before 15 January 1698.
In this letter, Magliabechi wrote to praise Leeuwenhoek’s work and express regret that the book he sent had not been received by Leeuwenhoek. He also included news of books that he thought Leeuwenhoek and the readers of Boekzaal would be interested in from Italian writers Giovanni Giustino Ciampini, Carlo Fontana, Pieter Santi Bartoli, Francesco Bianchini, Jozef Saenz de Aguirre, Giovanni Vincenzo Gravina, Michael Foscarini, Giuseppe Maria Tommasi, Prospero Mandosio, and Antonio Constantini and the German writer Johannes Pieter Erikus.
For the only known letter from frequent visitor Jacob Gronovius (1645-1716) to Leeuwenhoek, see Letter L-179 of 11 July 1686. For other letters from Magliabechi to Leeuwenhoek involving Gronovius, see Letter L-181 of 10 September 1686, Letter L-272 of 12 October 1695, Letter L-273 of 14 October 1695, Letter L-280 of 5 November 1695, and Letter L-290 of 5 June 1696, as well as Letter L-436 of some time after March 1705 and Letter L-465 of 10 July 1708.
L. refers to this letter from Magliabechi in his reply, revealing parts of the letter that Rabus did not include in the Boekzaal. Letter L-336 of 20 February 1698 to Antonio Magliabechi:
In due time, most illustrious sir, the letter which you again thought fit to write to me was delivered to me by the very famous Mr Gronovius. I would inform you that I found it very welcome and a great pleasure to read, especially because I saw that it is again full of very evident marks of your usual benevolence and kindness towards me; in fact, you say that you greatly regret that the wonderful and precious book with which out of your notable generosity you had decided to make me quite undeservedly happy has not reached me.
“Italiaansch Boeknieuws”, De Boekzaal van Europe, January and February, pp. 180-82. Copied and pasted from Collected Letters, vol. 20, "this volume" in the footnotes.
Italian Book News[1].
Joannis Ciampini Romani explicatio duorum Sarcophagorum, Sacrum Baptismatis ritum indicantium.
That is,
Explication of two sarcophagi, proving the sacred solemnity of baptism, by Johan Ciampini[2], Roman. In Rome by Bernabo 1697. in 4.
Trattato del acque correnti, diviso in tre libri, dato in luce con le delineazioni dal Cavalier Carlo Fontana.
That is,
Treatise on running waters, divided into three books highlighted with the images of the knight Karel Fontana[3]. In Rome by Fr. Buagni 1696. in fol.
Gli antichi Mausolei Romani & Etruschi, dissegnati & intagliati da Prietro Santi Bartoli.
That is,
Old Roman and Tuscan mausoleums, drawn and cut by Pieter Santi Bartoli[4]. In Rome 1697. in fol.
La Istoria Universale provata con monumenti e figurata con simboli de gli antichi da Francesco Bianchini Veronese.
That is,
General history, proved by monuments, and represented by mottoes of the ancients, by Francois Bianchini[5], of Verona. In Rome at the expense of the writer 1697. in 4.
Jo. Petri Erici Anthrōpoglōttogonia, sive humana Linguae Genesis.
That is,
Joh. Pieter Erikus[6] the making of the human tongue. In Venice at the expense of the writer 1697. in 4.
De Virtutibus & Vitiis Disputationes Ethica Auctore Josepho Saenz de Aguirre, nunc S.R.E. Presbytero Cardinale.
That is,
Ethical Disputes about the Virtues and Flaws of Jozef Saenz de Aguirre[7], now Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church. In Rome by Antoni de Rubeis 1697 in fol.
Jani Vincentii Gravine Opuscula.
That is,
Works of Janus Vincent Gravina[8]. In Rome by Ant. de Rubeis 1696. in 12.
Hisoria della Republica Veneta.
That is,
History of the Venetian States described by Michael Foskarini[9] councilor. In Venice by Conbe and La Nou 1696. in 4.
Psalterium cum canticis versibus prisco more distinctum, novaque literaii explicatione brevissima dilucidarum studio Josephi Marie Thomasii.
That is,
The book of string songs with singing verses distinguished in the old way, and clarified with a very brief literal explanation by Jozef Marie Thomasius[10]. In Rome by Jos. Vanaccius 1697. in 4.
THEATRON, in quo Maximorum Christiani Orbis Pontificum Archiatros Prosper Mandosius Nobilis Romanus Ordinis S. Stephani Eques Spectandos exhibet.
That is,
Theater where Prosper Mandosius[11], Roman nobleman, knight of the Order of Saint Steven, exhibits the physicians of the popes. In Rome by Fr. de Lazaris 1698. in 4.
De Canonibus Apostolorum dissertatio Historico-Chronologica & Dogmatica, authore P. Antonio Constantino Ordinis Minimorum.
That is,
Historical-chronological and doctrinal discourse on the Rules of the Apostles[12] by V. Antoni Konstantijn[13] of the Order of Minims[14]. In Rome by J. J. Komark 1697. in 4[15].
[1] Antonio Magliabechi (1633-1714) was librarian under Cosimo III. His previous letter to L. is Letter L-326 of August 1697, in this volume. L. replied to the present letter with Letter 191 L-336 of 20 February 1698, Collected Letters, vol. 12.
[2] Giovanni Giustino Ciampini (1633-1698) was an ecclesiastical archaeologist. See Letter L-326 of August 1697 from Magliabechi, n. 6, in this volume, for Magliabechi’s report of another book by Ciampini.
[3] For Carlo Fontana (1634-1714), see Letter L-238 of before 2 March 1694 from Magliabechi, n. 1, in this volume.
[4] Pieter Santi Bartoli (1635-1700) was an Italian engraver, draughtsman, painter and antiquary.
[5] Francesco Bianchini (1662-1729) was an Italian historian and astronomer; he was elected to membership in the Royal Society in 1713.
[6] Johannes Pieter Erikus (1641-1706) was a professor of linguistics and geography from Eisenach, Thuringa. The book that Magliabechi refers to here is Anthrōpoglōttogonia, sive, Humanae linguae genesis partis primae, tomus primus: ubi de particulis quibusdam, & imprimis de pronomin tam Græcis, quàm Hebraicis & Latinis (Anthrōpoglottogonia, or, the genesis of the first part of the human tongue, whereof certain particles, and especially of the pronouns, of Greek as well as Hebrew and Latin.)
[7] For Jozef Saenz de Aguirre (1630-1699), see Letter L-322 of 1 June 1697 from Magliabechi, n. 4, in this volume. The book referred to here is De virtutibus et vitiis disputationes ethicae: in quibus accurate disseritur quicquid fere spectat ad philosophiam morale (Ethical debates about the virtues and vices: in which everything is discussed carefully about moral philosophy)
[8] For Giovanni Vincenzo Gravina (1664-1718), Italian jurist, see Letter L-290 of 5 June 1696, n. 8, in this volume.
[9] Michael Foscarini (1632-1692) was a Venetian politician who was paid by the city and provided authentic documents to write his history of Venice. He also wrote two novels.
[10] Giuseppe Maria Tommasi (1649-1713) was an Italian priest of the Theatine order who tried to return the Church to its traditional liturgies through publication of his research. He later became a cardinal and was canonized in the 20th century.
[11] Prospero Mandosio (1643-1724) was an Italian scholar whose final work is noted here by Magliabechi. It contains biographies of 129 pontifical archiators (chief physicians), discussed in chronological order from Pope Nicholas I (800-867) to the then-current Pope Innocent XII.
[12] Rules of the Apostles, or the Apostolic Canons, are a 5th century collection of ecclesiastical canons about the government and discipline of the Christian Church that were still being debated and used in the 17th century.
[13] Antonio Constantini (1657- after 1732) was an Italian friar, philosopher, theologian, and poet.
[14] The Order of Minims is a Roman Catholic religious order of friars founded by Saint Francis of Paola (1416-1507). The Minims distinguished the order by adding what is now called a vegan diet to the standard vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience.
[15] Magliabechi’s next letter to L. is Letter L-337 of March 1698, in this volume.