Zaden van Boomen
Full title
Ontledingen en Ontdekkingen van het Begin der Planten in de Zaden van Boomen
Waar uit bewesen werd;
Dat yder Boom of Plant zijn rol voor manneken en Wijfken speelen moet. Als mede dat Dieren van verscheiden aard met malkanderen verzamelende, noodzakelijk moeten Schepsels voortbrengen, die noch na de Vader noch na de Moeder en gelijken, enz.
Vervat in twee Brieven,
Geschreven aan de Wijd-vermaarde Koninklijke Wetenschap-soekende Societeit tot Londen in Engeland.
Dissections and Discoveries of the Beginning of Plants in the Seeds of Trees
From where it was shown;
That each Tree or Plant must play its role of man and Woman. As announced that Animals of various nature collecting with one another, must necessarily bring forth Creatures, that matched neither the Father nor the Mother, etc.
Contained in two Letters,
Written to the Widely famed Royal Knowledge-seeking Society of London in England.
Dobell #7: Letters 46, 47
Letters unnumbered, and with continuous pagination: title + 3-32 + 33-78
Full text scan available online from the Utrecht University Library
Letter 46 of July 13, 1685 to the Royal Society
Fig 1 (with fig a) is so large that it was printed on a separate, unnumbered fold-out plate. Fig 2 was printed upside down.
Letter 47 of October 12, 1685 to the Royal Society
Fig B between figs 10 and 11; beginning with 15 labeled "No.", not "Fig.".
Dobell #7a: Letters 46, 47
In 1697, Boutesteyn published another, probably 2nd edition. The letters were still unnumbered with continuous pagination. The upside-down fig. 2 was fixed. However, the numbering of the pages should be 32-76 instead of 33-77.