Wrote Letter L-185 of 1687-03-01 to James II, King of England, as the dedication for one of his volumes
March 1, 1687
Text of the letter in the original Dutch and in English translation from Alle de Brieven. The Collected Letters at the DBNL - De Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse Letteren
Leeuwenhoek wrote this flowery letter dedicating a volume of Latin translations to King James, who had once visited him.
Anatomia Seu interiora Rerum, Letters 28 - 31, 34 - 36, 38, 42 - 52
A 5-page dedication to Jacobo, King James II of England was printed at the beginning of this edition. It was not printed in any Dutch editions or in any editions after James was deposed in 1688.