Wrote Letter L-121 of some time in 1683 to an unknown "Sir"

January 1, 1683
Standard reference information
Collected Letters volume: 

This letter fragment was offered for sale in 2017 by Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH (Vienna, Austria).

In this fragment, L. begins a letter to an unknown “Mijn Heer” countering some suggestions made by Melchisédech Thévenot.

Based on an unpublished analysis by Lizzie Entjes of the handwriting and salutation style, this fragment seems to have been written around 1683.

Mijn Heer

Gelijk ik veeltijts verscheijde saaken bij de Hant neem omme die haer weten te ontdecken, daer ik niet kan door komen, soo sal het mij niet on aen genaem sijn, dat de Heer Tevenot mij eenige voorstellen dede waar sijn speculatien mogten komen te vallen, omme alsdan daer op te antwoorden.

In English translation:


As I often take various matters by the hand to discover them, because I cannot get through, so it will not displease me that Mr. Tevenot made some suggestions to me where his speculations might fall, so then to answer that …

Leeuwenhoek refers to Thévenot in Letter L-141 of 14 October 1683 to Anthonie Heinsius:

I have heard Mr. H. van Bleyswyk’s high praise of Mons. Thevenot, and I am anxious to hear what that learned and curious gentleman will say about my statements.

L. addressed Letter L-201 of 23 September 1688 to Thévenot:

A few years ago I took the liberty to send you a few of my modest ideas and observations, to which Your Honour replied in courteous terms.


For those letters, see Letter L-137 from L. to Thévenot and Thévenot’s reply, Letter L-138, both of October 1683.