The Leeuwenhoek wills opened by notary Joris Geesteranus in the presence of the heirs

May 1, 1745

Notary Joris Geesteranus gathered Maria van Leeuwenhoek's "joint surviving friends and Præsumptive Heirs ab intstato" at a meeting on the day after Maria's burial to open the will, "threaded with a Red Silk Thread, and sealed in 5 distinct places with the cachet of the late Notary Mr. Jan de Bries." Seven heirs and heirs' representatives attended:

  • notary Johan Willem Bertrand, representing his mother-in-law Margareta van den Heuvel)
  • Coenraad Sceperus
  • Philips de Molijn

Three of the four children and heirs of Jan Haaxman (missing Cornelis Haaxman):

  • Maria Haaxman, assisted by her husband Steeven Bolland
  • Adriana Haaxman
  • Dirk Haaxman

ONA inv. 2791, no. 23 Joris Geesteranus;
also has originals of wills of 1721-11-17, 11-26, and 11-30