Full title:
Send-Brieven, zoo aan de Hoog-edele Heeren van de Koninklijke Societeit te Londen, als aan andere Aansienelyke en Geleerde Lieden
Epistles, to the High-honored Gentlemen of the Royal Society in London, and to the other Distinguished and Learned People
The subtitle reads: "As to the high noble lords of the Royal Society of London, so to other distinguished and learned people about the various secrets of Nature, namely over the wonderful configuration of ..."
Dobell #19, containing 46 letters: AvL # I - XLVI
Pagination: xiv + 1-460 + xxviii
Front matter: pp. xiv
- Title page (placed differently in Dobell #20)
- Wilt poem
- Goeree print
- Dedication (opdragt)
- Hoogvliet poem
- Poot poem
- Engraved title with portrait inset (right; click to enlarge)
Back matter: pp. xxviii
- Index and errata (Register & Druk-fouten)
- Register van woorden en zaaken (Index of words and topics) - 28 unnumbered pages
Between 1712 and 1717, Leeuwenhoek wrote these 46 letters to a variety of people, many of them public figures, politicians and academics. He addressed about a fifth of them to the Royal Society in spite of the fact that editor Edmond Halley was showing not the slightest interest in publishing them.
In 1718, Leeuwenhoek collected the 46, numbered them in Latin (second column in table below), and published them himself in Dutch as the fourth and final volume of his collected letters. In some bound collections, it is the fifth volume. As with the other volumes of his Brieven, a total of 165 letters, he had Hendrick van Rijn translate them into Latin and published in a separate and mostly parallel volume the following year.
Half of the letters had figures, copperplate made from drawings, probably of red chalk. These images are viewable as Leeuwenhoek's Cabinet of Wonders.
In the table below, the Dutch title is the first substantive phrase from van Leeuwenhoek's inhoudsopgave. The figure numbers are his but the titles are mine, taken from his text.
In 2017, the letters in Send-Brieven will be published for the first time in an English translation in volume XVII of Alle de Brieven / Collected Letters.
Date | L-# | AvL # |
Addressee | Dutch Title | English Title | # fig |
1712 | ||||||
8 |
L-489 | I | Antoni Heinsius |
Vlees van den walvis | Whale flesh | 7 |
17 |
L-490 | II | Antoni Heinsius |
Visdeelen van de garnaat | Parts of a gurnet | 6 |
28 |
L-492 | III | Jan Meerman |
Hoe kleyn de vleesfibertjens zyn | How small muscle fibers are | 11 |
14 |
L-493 | IV | Jan Meerman |
Het oog van een walvis | The eye of a whale | |
25 |
L-494 | V | Adriaen van Assendelft |
Hairtjes van een muys | Little hairs of a mouse | 6 |
29 |
L-495 | VI | Antoni Heinsius |
Vleeschdeelen van een koe | Flesh of a cow | |
28 |
L-496 | VII | Royal Society |
Wonderlyk maakzel van zekere Dierkens | Wonderful shape of certain animalcules | |
30 |
L-497 | VIII | Antoni Heinsius |
De werking van kreeften oogen | The working of lobster eyes | |
24 |
L-501 | IX | Antoni Cink |
De saly beschouwd | Sage considered | |
22 |
L-504 | X | Royal Society |
Het vleesch van een os, hoen en muys | The flesh of an ox, hen, and mouse | |
21 |
L-507 | XI | Royal Society |
Vleesch van een achtjarige koe | Flesh of an 8-year-old cow | 13 |
26 |
L-509 | XII | Royal Society |
Drie soorten van muggen | Three types of gnats | 6 |
4 |
L-510 | XIII | Adriaen van Assendelft |
Uytspanningen van een treklyn | Stretching of a trek line | |
9 |
L-512 | XIV | Royal Society |
Den trekker overdwars doorsneeden | The puller cut transversely | |
20 |
L-513 | XV | Royal Society |
Vleesdeelen in een kleyn diertje | Flesh of small animals | 4 |
26 |
L-516 | XVI | Antoni Cink |
Vleeschfibertjes ook trekker genoemt | Flesh fibers also called pullers | 3 |
7 |
L-518 | XVII | Antoni Cink |
Muscul uytrekkende en inkrimpende | Muscle stretched out and relaxed | |
28 |
L-521 | XVIII | G W Leibniz |
Diertjens in de zaaden van de dieren | Animalcules in the seed of animals | |
18 |
L-524 | XIX | G W Leibniz |
Doorgesneede zuyker-peer |
Cross-section of sugar pear | 4 |
1716 | ||||||
13 |
L-527 | XX | G W Leibniz |
Eenige zwaarigheden rakende de voortteelinge | Some difficult problems of fertility | |
10 |
L-530 | XXI | Hubert Poot |
Zaadhuysjes aan de maagde-palm | Seed cases of the virgin palm | |
16 |
L-531 | XXII | Gerard van Loon |
De Luyksche hop beeter als de onze | Hops from Leige better than ours | |
19 |
L-532 | XXIII | G W Leibniz |
Van de membranen die in de trekkers leggen | The membranes that lie in pullers | |
22 |
L-533 | XXIV | Cornelis Spiering |
De schobben van eenen karper | Scrapings from a carp | 4 |
12 |
L-535 | XXV | Cinck, Narez, Rega |
Stroo-halmen uyt een greyntje van gerst | Straw stalks from a grain of barley | 9 |
22 |
L-537 | XXVI | J G Kerkherdere |
De stoffe in de Tarwe, Gerst, enz | The stuff in wheat, barley, etc. | 14 |
17 |
L-538 | XXVII | Abraham van Bleys-Wyk |
Sterke braaking door het inneemen van warm water | Violent vomiting from ingestion of warm water | |
28 |
L-540 | XXVIII | Herman Boerhaave |
Waarneemingen op den cocos-boom | Observations on a coco tree | 18 |
5 |
L-544 | XXIX | Herman Boerhaave |
De diertjes van ’t mannelyk zaad | The animalcues in male seed | |
17 |
L-545 | XXX | G W Leibniz |
Het schrift van de heer Pauli wederlegt | Writing of Mr. Pauli refuted | 3 |
21 |
L-546 | XXXI | Herman Boerhaave |
Het zaad van eens rams bal gedrukt was | Seed pressed from a ram's ball | |
2 |
L-547 | XXXII | Abraham van Bleys-Wyk |
De zenuwen uyt het ruggemerg van koeyen en schapen | The nerves in the backbone of cows and sheep | 5 |
6 |
L-548 | XXXIII | Hoog-Edele Heeren |
Parken in de trekkers | Beds in pullers | 3 |
6 |
L-549 | XXXIV | Hoog-Edele Heeren |
Hersenen van een varken | Brains of a pig | 11 |
6 |
L-550 | XXXV | Ewout van Bleswyk |
Het vlees van het vliegend diertje Rombout | Flesh of the little flying animal Rombout | |
26 |
L-551 | XXXVI | Abraham van Bleys-Wyk |
De zenuwen | The nerves | 2 |
15 |
L-552 | XXXVII | Royal Society |
Het vleesch van een vetten os | Flesh of a fat ox | 2 |
06 |
L-553 | XXXVIII | Cinck, Narez, Rega |
Sout van salpeter ingenomen | Salt of salpeter ingested | |
13 |
L-554 | XXXIX | J G Kerkherdere |
Het eeten van vet vleesch veroorzaakt afgangen | Eating fat flesh causes diarrhea | |
19 |
L-556 | XL | Adriaan Swalmius |
De eyeren en eyerschalen | The eyes and eye sockets | |
26 |
L-557 | XLI | Herman Boerhaave |
Zaadballen van een ram | Seed balls of a ram | 5 |
10 |
L-558 | XLII | Frederik Adriaan van Rhede |
Menigte van schelvissen | A multitude of shell fishes | |
17 |
L-559 | XLIII | Royal Society |
De uytwazemingen uyt onze lichamen | Transpiration from our bodies | 5 |
8 |
L-560 | XLIV | Royal Society |
De wortel Pareira Brava | The root Pareira Brava | 3 |
22 |
L-661 | XLV | Royal Society |
Hersenen van een kabeljauw | Brains of a cod | |
20 |
L-562 | XLVI | Royal Society |
De trekker van een schaap | The puller of a sheep |
The links below will display more information about each of these letters. For those marked above as having figures (right-hand column), I translated that letter's summary and included the plates with a caption for each figure. The captions are mine, taken from the text. The plates can also be viewed in larger original sizes.