Published A. van Leeuwenhoeks 41ste Missive, Geschreven aen (written to) de Koninklijke Societeit tot Londen

January 1, 1698

Dobell gave this a separate number 17. However, Leeuwenhoek had done this before and Dobell didn't give it a separate number.

Dobell's 2 is Eyerstok, and his 2a is Antony van Leeuwenhoeks 37ste Missive, Geschreven aan de Heer Cristopher Wren. Dobell did the same thing with 3. Schobbens in de Mond and 3a. Antoni van Leeuwenhoeks 40ste Missive, Geschreven aan de Heer Francois Aston.

Dobell's 4 is Humor Cristallanus, and his 4a is this A. van Leeuwenhoeks 41ste Missive, Geschreven aen de Koninklijke Societeit tot Londen.

Thus, this 17 should really be 4a, as Schierbeek also notes (1950 p. 497). I suspect that Dobell did it this way because the reprints of Letters 37 and 40 have no title pages with date and publisher. However, this reprint of Letter 41 has a cover with date, 1698, and printer, Krooneveld. From comparing the printed versions, it seems that the reprints of Letters 37 and 40 are similar to each other and both are different from Letter 41, printed two years later by Krooneveld.

With support from the STCN for only Letter 41 having been reprinted by Krooneveld, it is unclear whether Letters 37 and 40 were printed by him or by Cornelis Boutesteyn, the other likely candidate because he was printing so many of Leeuwenhoek's letters durng the 1690's.
