Onsigtbare verborgentheden
Ontledingen en Ontdekkingen van de Onsigtbare Verborgentheden; vervat in verscheyde Brieven, geschreven aan de Wyd-vermaarde Koninklijke Wetenschap-soekende Societeyt tot Londen in Engeland
Dissections and Discoveries of Invisible Mysteries; contained in various Letters, written to the Widely famed Royal Scientific research Society of London in England
Dobell #5: Letters 38, 42, 43
This self-published pamphlet contained Letter 38 of July 16, 1683 (AB/CL 72) to Christopher Wren and Letter 42 of July 25, 1684 (AB/CL 65) and Letter 43 of January 5, 1685 (AB/CL 82) to the Royal Society.
It is available online at Utrecht University Library
Dobell #5a: Letters 38, 42, 43
In 1691, Boutesteyn published a second edition.
It is available online at Utrecht University Library.
Dobell #5b: Letters 38, 42, 43
In 1698, Boutesteyn published a third edition.
Boutesteyn also in 1685 published the same letters in Latin translation. This title went through a dozen re-printings that provide a case study of publishing as Leeuwenhoek experienced it. The Related Events under the expandable Learn More below has a complete list of these printings.
1683-07-16 38 Christopher Wren 5 figures
1684-07-25 42 Members of the Royal Society 6 figures
1685-01-05 43 Members of the Royal Society 11 figures
1687 Anatomia Seu interiora Rerum, Cum Animatarum tum Inanimarum [sic], Ope & nebeficio [sic] exquisitissimorum Microscopiorum Detecta (part 1)
1687 Anatomia Seu interiora Rerum (corrected title-page misspellings)
1689 Continuatio Epistolarum, Datarum Ad longe Celeberrimam Regiam Societatem Londinensem (part 1)
1696 Arcana Naturae Ope & beneficio exquisitissimorum Microscopiorum Detecta (not to be confused with Arcana Naturae Detecta in 1695)
1698 Arcana Naturae Ope & beneficio exquisitissimorum Microscopiorum Detecta (2nd)
1708 Arcana Naturae Ope & beneficio exquisitissimorum Microscopiorum Detecta (3rd)
1722 Opera Omnia (part of Volume 1)