Minuutakten, 1747-1768 Johan Willem Bertrand
Bertrand was married to Leeuwenhoek's niece's granddaughter Jacoba Sceperus. Jacoba was the daughter of Margaretha van den Heuvel, who was the daughter of Magaretha de Molijn, who was the daughter of Antony's sister Margrieta (Grietjen) Philips.
110 Johan Willem Bertrand, admitted July 30, 1743 in Den Haag
2907-2925 Minuutakten, 1747-1768
2907 1747 febrauari - 1748
2908 1749
2909 1750
2910 1751
2911 1752
2912 1753-1754
2913 1755
2914 1756
2915 1757
2916 1758
2917 1759
2918 1760
2919 1761
2920 1762
2921 1763
2922 1764
2923 1765
2924 1766
2925 1767-1768 mei
2926 Alfabetische index volgens de soort der akten, 1747-1768 (Alphabetical index according to the type of act)