Koornmarkt 75


Koornmarkt 75


west side property between D0585 now Koornmarkt 81 and D0593 now Koornmarkt 65

current use: 


year built: 
ORA inv. 281-283 or 285 fol.: 
no one
family owner: 
Jacob Maertens Hogenhouck
sale letter fol.: 
Anthonij Vockestaert doctor medicinae 4d165v

Maerten Jans Hogenhouck (1550-1613) and his wife and then widow Catharina van der Dussen owned this property from 1578-1619 Charter 3.833. He paid the Haardstedengeld in 1600.

Next, Jacob Maertens Hogenhouck (-1638) bought it (not inherited?) for 6,222 g Charter 6434, “Duit op gulden 367/36 16 r1, 8/9”. Jacob lived there with his wife and then widow Catharina van der Made (-1651) from 1619 to 1652, when it was divided into three. He paid the Haardstedengeld in 1638.

Maerten Jans and Jacob Maertens are listed on the 1585-1648 huizenprotocol OAD inv. 731 fol. 322r2 sale letter 2W132v or 2u132v as well as the 1620 verponding folio 452r2. Jacob Maertens paid the 1632-1654 verponding folio 462r4, listed on three separate lines:

with the small passage of Willem Jacobs Delff and his packhouse on the Oude Delff rented to the West Indies Company; was divided into three parts, folio 462v 13 g and folio 465 12 g and 12 g to Jacoba Haes and Maria Groenewegen agreed to in May 1632; was by them divided into three parts.

Jacob was bewindhebber (director) of the WIC chamber in Delft. See Achter de Gevels.

1832 Kadaster number: 
