Koornmarkt 41a
Koornmarkt 41a
west side second property south of Huyterstraat bridge (Leeuwenbrug)
office and 6 apartments
Cornelis Maertens Hogenhouck (-1656), brewer, bought this smaller property next to his brewery in 1652. He paid the 1585-1648 huizenprotocol OAD inv. 731 fol. 325V2 and the 1620-1632 verponding 449v4 and the 1632-1654 verponding 460r1. The back end of the prop is close enough to the back end of E0541 now Oude Delft 26 that the gardens may have been connected in the 1600's. This smaller one got merged into the larger E0538 at some point. All three have the same owners and sales letters after the Hogenhouck family sold it.