Koornmarkt 41
Koornmarkt 41
west side first property south of Huyterstraat bridge (Leeuwenbrug)
office and 6 apartments
Cornelis Maertens Hogenhouck (-1656) bought this property, the De Drie Hoefijzers brewery and house, in 1610 for 10,200 g. See Achter de Gevels, which lists him and his wife as residents and him and “juffr Hoogenhouck” as the owners. Historisch GIS has Margaretha and Jacob listed as owners. It went to the same owners as the others, first de Bock and Boudewijn van Leeuwen (separate sales letters), then the Keiser brothers (same sale letter) and then the three Overschie brothers (same sale letter). Is the bridge named after Boudewijn van Leeuwen?