Gasthuislaan 181 - 203; Zuiderstraat 222 - 256; Kruisstraat 77
Gasthuislaan 181 - 203; Zuiderstraat 222 - 256; Kruisstraat 77
large property E0148 abutting E0131 on the southwest and 6 small properties (E0143, E0144, E0145, E0146, E0147, E0149) to make solid block of property between Zuiderstraat and Gasthuislaan
8 mostly duplex residences; 7 mostly duplex and fourplex residences, garages behind; ? residences
In a scheiding of 1701 11/06 notary Adriaen Leeuwenhoek, Maerten Huijchs Leeuwenhoek (1631-1694) bequeathed it to daughter Margrieta (1661-1743) and husband Michiel Hassel(t) (Kastel), (1664 - 1704) testament 1702 02/19 notary Adriaen Leeuwenhoeck; O.R.A. 281-283 has it on fol. 036v1, 036v2, 037r1, 037r2, 037v1, which all refer to 111v.
E0143 - E0149