as Camerbewaarder

Who was a camerbewaarder?

The city's annual Treasurer's account books, Rekeningen, listed the names of everyone who was paid to be a camerbewaarder. During Leeuwenhoek's time, there were three, one for each of the large rooms in the Stadhuis. The register of expenses, Register van uitgaven, gave details, including a brief history of the position.

In the Treasurer's records, the chambers were always listed in this order:

Camerbewaarder of the ... Orphans Chamber
What were they paid?
    in guilders
  Cornelis Joosten  
1658 - 1700

Isaac Adriaens Soubrie

116 *
1700 - Jan Renaut  
  Magistrates Chamber
xxxx - 1655

Jacob Huijgens van Schie

1655 - 1660

Johannes (Jan) Strick

241 until 1657, then 260
1660 - 1699

Antony Leeuwenhoek

260 until 166x, then 400
1699 - 1734

Arnold Ramp

  Mayors Chamber
xxxx - 1660

Claes Boudewijn van Baestenbirch

1661 - 1680

Daniel Bogaert

1680 - 1719

Servaes Hassingh


* plus another 10 for looking after the chamber of the commissioners of marital records (Commissarissen van de huwelijkse saeken)