Property in Delft owned by members
of Leeuwenhoek's extended family

the Leeuwenhoek family

Kruisstraat 5 t/m 69

Huijch Thonis Leeuwenhoek owned this, perhaps as a rental property?

Markt 17B

Maerten Huijchs Leeuwenhoek (1631-1694) gave it to his daughter Elisabeth Maertens Leeuwenhoek (1666-1743) and husband Dirck van Schie in a scheiding of 1701 05/06, notary Adriaen Leeuwenhoeck. The Bastiaen Maertens van Cuijck that Maerten got it from has same patronymic and last name as Maerten's mother Magdaleentgen Maertens van Cuijck, thus, his uncle? Rent 185/yr.

Markt 25

This property is next to (south of) the Stadhuis. On its west side, the corner Markt 23A next door, Sijmon Borbon grew up in the house of his father Pontus, a peddler. Was it bought later, after Simon had already gone to sea? See timeline for 1670 09/09. On the other side is Markt 27; see Achter de Gevels.

Markt 71

Iron seller Walich Jacobs sold (4s165) the property to leather worker Barent van Frijtum (1663-1720 or 1733), who married Magdaleentje (Helena) Maertens Leeuwenhoek (1653-1720) in 1687.

Two weeks after van Frijtum's goods were inventoried on 1716 04/07 (notary Cornelis van der Sleyden, ONA inv. 2528B, fol. 89), he sold (5v022v) it to Michiel Reijniers van Hasseld (1664-1704) and Margareta Maertens Leeuwenhoek (1661-1743), Helena's sister, on 1716 04/25 (notary Cornelis van der Sleyden, ONA inv. 2528B, fol. 131).

She passed (6f120v) it on to their daughter Johanna van Hasselt, widow of Aalbert Kool, who sold it to Dr. Box.

Nieuwstraat 18

Antony van Leeuwenhoek bought this property adjoining his house on the Hippolytusbuurt with Carl Serval on May 8, 1708 - ORA Delft 5R, deel III, fol. 75. Serval got the front half. He lived on the Marktveld, so perhaps he used this as a rental property. Leeuwenhoek got the back half adjoining his property.

Oosteinde 248

Elias de Meij (-1646), saytrapier, paid both verpondings 219v2 and 227v2. Antony paid the 1632-1654 verponding, also. Elias's widow Maria gave it to Antony and wife Barbara de Meij, 11 May 1655, notary Johannes Ranck. Antony's daughter inherited it from her father. She bequeathed it to _____ in her will of _______.

House name: Groene Velt

Oosteinde 252

Margrita de Meij paid the 1632-1654 verponding 227r2. Maria de Meij (1626-1676) bequeathed this property, aka Vooromme, in a will made on 1669 10/08 (notary Paul Durven ONA Delft inv. 2237, fol. ??) to her niece (sister Barbara de Meij's daughter) Maria Thonis Leeuwenhoek (1656-1745).

Maria Leeuwenhoek bequeathed it in her will of 1744 05/20 (notary Willem van der Lely ONA Delft inv. 2753, fol. 19) to her maid Josina van der Sprenkel.

D0027 to the south was owned by Mathijs van Kempen (407v2/5x057). To the north was the delftware factory the Lampetkan.

Owners noted in ORA 281-283

Joost Jansz, kleermaker, his widowAeltge Joosten, daughter of Joost JanszWillem Dircksz van Appelo, married to Aeltge JoostenMaria de MeijMaria LeeuwenhoekJosina van SprenkelPieter van BerkelooChristiaan BijkerkAnna, widow of Christiaan BijkerkAbraham van der CeelGeertruida Viervant, widow of Abraham van Ceel

Oosteinde 56

Antony's boyhood home, bequeathed by grandfather Thonis to uncle Huijch. Fronts on Oosteinde, across the alley from E0056. Referred to as Leeuwenpoort Vooromme. When did grandfather Thonis buy E0056 and E0079?

Oosteinde 58

Thonis Philips Leeuwenhoek, Antony's grandfather, owned three properties near the Oostpoort, E0056, E0073, and E0079. E0056 fronts on Oosteinde right across the alley from E0073 and extends behind the houses, as a garden?, to the back side of the Klaeuwshofje. The alley was replaced by another about 50 feet farther northwest.

Oranje Plantage 79

Thonis Philips Leeuwenhoek (-1643) and his son Huijch Thonis Leeuwenhoek (-1699), both basketmakers, paid the 1632-1654 verponding 271r4, 271v2. Huijch is the owner listed twice in ORA 281-283 housing protocol, marked in the margin with 2 (351r1) and 4 (351r2). E0079 fronts on Oosteinde. The large area now the school and bordering on the Klaeuwshofje (built 1605) may have been a garden. It was across the alley (now gone) from E0056. See 1649 map.
